3/9/21 UPDATE from Kitsap Public Transit: FREE Transportation to Vaccine Clinics. If you need transportation assistance to a COVID-19 vaccine site, please call our ACCESS service at (360) 479-7272 or (800) 422-2877. To make an appointment for a vaccination, please contact your health-care provider or the clinic. Due to waiting times at clinics, you will need to call ACCESS after you have received your vaccine to request a ride home. Kitsap Public Transit is waiving fares for these rides.

Kitsap Transit is available to take people to their appointments.

Kitsap Transit is offering rides for the public to and from verified vaccine appointments. These rides will be via their ACCESS buses and for this vaccine ride service they are not doing their standard ACCESS eligibility screening for COVID-19 vaccine appointments. They offer the following guidance:

  1. Contact your healthcare provider for an appointment date/time/location (including street address) for a COVID-19 vaccine. Find out how early you should be there ahead of your appointment time to wait in line and fill out paperwork.
  2. Once you have a confirmed vaccine appointment, please call the ACCESS service at (360) 479-7272 or (800) 422-2877 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at least one day before your appointment time to book a reservation for a trip.
  3. Due to waiting times at clinics, you will need to call ACCESS after you have received your vaccine to request a ride home.

For more information please visit Kitsap Transit’s website, see Transportation Vaccine Services.