• Volcanic Ash

Kitsap County is near active volcanoes. There is a possibility of volcanic ash fall and mudflows in Kitsap County during an eruption.  Volcanic ash fall can cause irritation and breathing difficulties for the population.  Volcanic ash fall is heavier than wood ash. It can cause roofs to collapse, clog air intakes for air conditioning, coat plants, and foul water. Based on a recent assessment of Kitsap County, volcanic ash fall is rated a low risk hazard.

What is KCDEM doing to address volcanic ash falls?

The Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management (KCDEM) does not currently have any projects for volcanic ash falls.

Learn more about the plan to address all hazards in the 2019 Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan (PDF).  Multi-hazard strategies begin on page 142. You can also contact KCDEM via email.