Recovery is a process that begins shortly after the disaster occurs. But, it can continue for many years. It also involves a range of activities and groups from the local, state, and federal level. Recovery involves short term restoration of essential community functions, and also long-term rebuilding. Recovery also incorporates mitigation of hazards as restoration and rebuilding take place.
What does disaster recovery look like in Kitsap County?
KCDEM works to secure people, financial, and other resources. Both short-term and long-term needs in the Kitsap County area are the focus of recovery. Recovery actions could involve:
- Analyze conditions after a disaster. Discover opportunities for restoring the community to pre-disaster condition or better
- Identify needs. Help prioritize repairs and restore key facilities for the short-term.
- Start hazard short-term abatement and long-term mitigation.
- Start temporary and long-term housing recovery.
- Identify how local business recovery and temporary business resumption can happen.
- Provide support for facilities that are essential to the economy. Facilities could include ports, highways, and railways.
- Maximize available state and federal aid to repair key infrastructure for the area.
Under a federal declaration, victims who need help should call the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA):
1-800-621-3362 or
1-800-462-7585 Text Telephone (TTY) number for the speech or hearing impaired
Both numbers are toll-free.
Many basic state and federal financial aid programs may be available to residents. The Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management (KCDEM) will work with the State Emergency Management Division to coordinate and administer these programs. The state, in turn, coordinates with the Federal Emergency Management Agency for any federal help that may be available. In most instances, the federal government pays 75 percent of the cost. State and local governments cover the remaining 25 percent.