Kitsap Public Health District received about 400 doses of COVID-19 vaccine from the state this week. This shipment arrived after 2,500 vaccine doses were requested and public health was initially informed that Kitsap County would not receive any doses.
To support equitable access to vaccine, appointments will be available to community members who do not have internet access or have other barriers to getting vaccinated. Kitsap Public Health will reach out directly to people who have already requested assistance. Appointments will not be open to the general public for this small event.
Kitsap Public Health will continue requesting vaccine allocations from the state and will announce additional clinic openings as soon as possible. Please sign up to receive notifications by email or text and check kcowa.us/vaccine for updates.
Other vaccine providers may have appointments available. Go to covidvaccinewa.org or call 1-800-525-0127 and press # for information. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding.