National Volunteer Month in April celebrates the impact volunteers have on our lives and encourages active volunteerism in generations to come.
Over the past two years, hundreds of Emergency Worker volunteers have made a huge impact serving as part of the Kitsap County Emergency Operations Center COVID-19 Response. These amazing volunteers have worked at our local testing sites, vaccination clinics, supply distribution center, as well as the Quarantine and Isolation Center. As of March 24, a total of 653 volunteers have provided over 50,000 service hours!
March 31 marked the conclusion of a very successful Severe Weather Shelter season. From November 15 through the month a March, a committed team of volunteers stands ready to provide potentially lifesaving shelter any night temperatures are forecast to fall below freezing. These shelters are in Kingston, Port Orchard, Poulsbo, and Silverdale.
Thank you volunteers and staff for your energy, empathy, and expertise as you made generous contributions in support of your fellow Kitsap residents!