Welcome to the new and improved Kitsap Department of Emergency Management (KCDEM) site.
Here, you will find information about the threats and hazards that could impact Kitsap County, and what you can do to get prepared to meet possible challenges. We also have information about volunteer opportunities and the programs that help in the event of an emergency. The involvement of our whole community is what makes Kitsap County resilient in the face of possible disasters.
If you want to learn more about how KCDEM extends the ability of Kitsap County and its cities to respond to an emergency, explore the local, state, and federal partnerships and working groups. And finally, we have included the emergency phases. These describe the process that KCDEM uses to mitigate, plan, respond, and recover from emergencies.
We hope that the information presented here helps the residents of Kitsap County before, during, and after the next emergency. If you have suggestions for improvement, please let us know.
Elizabeth (“Lis”) F. Klute, CEM Director
Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management