The Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill: 10/21 at 10:21 a.m.


The worldwide ShakeOut Earthquake Drill is always the third Thursday of October (this year: October 21). While COVID-19 has brought many uncertainties and challenges, one thing is for sure: ShakeOut is still happening!

ShakeOut is an opportunity to practice what you would do if you feel the ground shake: Drop, Cover, and Hold On. It’s also a great way to come together as a community. You can share your participation via social media using #ShakeOut or #EarthquakeSafety to let your family and friends know you are doing your part. To learn more, read We Live in Earthquake Country, co-authored by FEMA Region 10’s Earthquake Program Manager, Amanda Siok, and her Region 8 and 9 counterparts.

Practice Drop, Cover, and Hold On on 10/21. Register today at so we can see how many people participate!