Coastal Flooding Update
June 8, 2023
Parks News
On May 1st the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) open their parking lot located on Point No Point Road for the summer season (see image). The WDFW parking lot may also serve as a location from which visitors may park and walk to Point No Point Park until Point No Point Park is open again to vehicular access. A Discover Pass is required to park in the WDFW parking lot. Passes can be purchased online and in person. For more information, please visit
We are asking visitors to:
- Respect the beach and tidelands on both sides of the WDFW access area, as they are privately owned; to please be mindful of this and treat these areas with care and consideration.
- To reach Point No Point Pare, we are asking visitors to walk along the road; this is indicated on the provided map and signage. This route is intended to lead visitors to the park safely while minimizing disturbance to the neighboring properties.
- We are requesting visitors to respect the privacy and property of the adjoining property owners and that it is important to refrain from stopping or loitering on private tidelands for any reason.
Our hope is that the with the opening of the WDFW parking lot, it will help alleviate traffic impacts during the upcoming summer season.
For questions or more information, please contact
Please join Kitsap County Parks Staff and their consultants Tuesday, June 20, 2023, from 4:30 pm until 6:00 pm for an update on the proposed work associated with restoring both the North and East beaches at Point No Point Park. County Park Staff and County Park’s design team will discuss a 3-phased approach to restore the area damaged by the winter storms and King Tide event that occurred in late December 2022. The proposed project includes replenishing the sand void on the North Beach, constructing a foredune adjacent to the park roadway, planting vegetation, and rebuilding the rock revetment wall.
When: Tuesday, June 20, 2023, from 4:30 pm until 6:00 pm.
Where: Point No Point Park. (park at the WDFW parking lot area or walk to PNP Park to review and discuss the proposed restoration work)
Staff would like to meet with the community in the park to review the proposed design and answer questions. If you can, please join us to review the proposed plans; we are doing everything possible to get the needed work done during this summer’s construction work window, 2023.
Emergency Management News
Kitsap County Emergency Management has sent the collected flood damage reports to the state. We wait to hear if Kitsap County will qualify for financial assistance for individuals who have sustained uninsured losses. If you have not yet reported flood damage to your home on Decemeber 27, please provide a summary of the damage on the Kitsap County Flood Assistance Request form. Any question or request you share will be directed to one of the Kitsap County agencies supporting the flood response.
Residents can find companies which provide site clean-up on this list provided by Kitsap Public Health District.
Kitsap Public Health District News
Please be aware of health risks associated with floodwater, pollution from sewage/septic systems, power outages, and other storm-related hazards. Floodwater can carry disease-causing organisms and other types of pollutants, requiring precautions to prevent illness. Kitsap Public Health recommends that people:
- Avoid direct contact with floodwater and wear protective equipment when working around floodwater.
- Wash skin thoroughly with soap and clean water if you have contact with floodwater or handle contaminated items.
- Discard all food that has come in contact with floodwater. Canned food is safe to use, but disinfect cans by wiping them with bleach water before use.
Find additional guidance on septic systems, food safety, drinking water safety and disinfection and more in this KPHD bulletin and this Flooding and Storm Fact Sheet.
Public Works News
Crews continue to monitor the progress at Point No Point. The sandbag wall and park area remain stable.

FAQ Handout – updated 1-27-23
DCD Permit Advice
Destroyed Property Exemption
Waste Removal & Cleanup
Flood Mitigation Assistance
Q&A Damaged Buildings
After Flood Family Treasures
The Red Cross
Flooding and Storm Fact Sheet
Floods; Be safe, be Prepared
Health storm reminders
How to Prepare for Flooding
Protect from Storm Surges
Flood Smart
Flood Insurance
Park Status 2/6/23
Weather Updates
Emergency Declaration
Drone Footage