Micro-islands are areas that may be isolated after a major earthquake. Why? Roads, bridges, and other infrastructure are expected to be too damaged to support normal movement. Each micro-island within Kitsap County will have different resources and populations. After a major earthquake, state & federal agencies predict 25 or more micro-Islands in Kitsap County.
KCDEM plans to have at least one neighborhood gathering site (NGS) in each micro-island. These sites will be used to gather volunteers and to establish a point to drop-off resources when they become available. Please remember that neighborhood gathering sites are not a substitute for individual preparedness.
KCDEM has divided micro-islands into three areas to help ease administration: 100 series, 200 series, and 300 series micro-islands. Bainbridge Island is considered 400 series, and military installations are 500 series.
KCDEM is in the process of setting up sites and training volunteers in what to do at each neighborhood gathering site. Interested in becoming a volunteer? Learn more.

100 series micro-islands (draft)

300 series micro-islands (draft)

200 series micro-islands (draft)