Our theme this month has been to prepare to show that you care for others around you. This includes, family members, co-workers, and especially friends and neighbors who may need extra support and assistance in times of disaster. We want to make sure to include our pets on this list as well.
As part of making a plan and building a kit, we have created a “Please Save Our Pets” sign, that can be printed off and posted on your front and back door (or an adjacent window.) If displayed outdoors, consider have it laminated for protection from the elements. This simple sign will let First Responders know the number of animals in your home in case of a fire or emergency.
An additional step you can take to protect your pet is to establish a plan with a trusted friend or neighbor to provide emergency care. In the event of major disaster, like an earthquake, it may be several days before you are able to get back to your home! Also, consider having a crate for emergency travel and lodging if a disaster forces you to leave your home or apartment. Another important step is to place copies of medication and medical records in your own “Go-Kit,” along with printed photos of your pet to help prove your ownership if you are separated. You’ll find more pet preparedness ideas and resources can be found here. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to show your pets you care during this month we celebrate Valentine’s Day!