Training for Extreme Winter Storm shelters – Dec. 7
KCDEM, in partnership with the American Red Cross, is providing Extreme Winter Storm Shelter Training on Saturday 7, December, 2024. The training will be held at the the Kitsap County Emergency Services Operations & Training Center, 8900 Imperial Way SW, Bremerton from 9 a.m. – noon. This training is designed to equip local volunteers with the essential knowledge needed to activate a 24-hour disaster shelter. If an extreme winter storm [...]
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are key to making Kitsap County resilient. Learn more about volunteer opportunities:
- Community Emergency Response Team: Volunteers interested in learning disaster and emergency response skills to aid the community.
- Functional Assistance Support Team: Volunteers who find support for people with access and functional needs during emergency incidents.
- Kitsap Auxiliary Radio Service : Amateur radio operators who provide emergency communications skills.
- Medical Reserve Corps: Retired and current healthcare workers who are trained as a team to support disaster incidents.
- Public Education and Outreach: Volunteers who provide disaster preparedness information to groups and at community events.
- Search and Rescue: Various organizations that help find the missing and aid in recovery.
- Severe Weather Shelters: Volunteers who staff emergency overnight shelters during winter months.
Focus on Volunteers
Hundreds of volunteers at KCDEM made a huge impact by training for disaster response and supporting community outreach.
Be Alert!
The Kitsap County Alert is an emergency notification system that helps you stay informed about the local hazards and threats that may impact you and your family. To register or update your information, click here. Sign ups are free!
Holiday Closures
KCDEM has no planned closures in April.
Become a Volunteer
KCDEM needs your help. Volunteers play a vital role in preparing for, responding to and recovering from an emergency situation or natural disaster. Volunteer today!
Recent News
Severe Weather Shelters open Jan. 21-22
Due to anticipated freezing weather conditions, the Kitsap County Severe Weather Shelters are Tuesday, January 21 and Wednesday, January 22. Hours of operation will be from 6:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m. except as noted for [...]
Severe Weather Shelters open Jan. 17-20
Due to anticipated freezing weather conditions, the Kitsap County Severe Weather Shelters are open each evening Friday, January 17 through Monday, January 20. Hours of operation will be from 6:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m. except [...]
Severe Weather Shelters open Jan. 12
Due to anticipated freezing weather conditions, the Kitsap County Severe Weather Shelters are open Sunday, January 12. Hours of operation will be from 6:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m. except as noted for the Kingston location. [...]